The mission of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's Global Energy Institute is to unify policymakers, regulators, business leaders, and the American public behind a common sense energy strategy.

Permit America to Build

  • Stop Waiting. Start Building

    The single biggest obstacle to building the infrastructure of the future is a broken permitting system. That's why we are calling on Congress to #PermitAmericaToBuild by enacting meaningful, durable legislation to modernize America’s permitting process.

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  • Permitting principles

    • Predictability: Project developers and financers must have an appropriate level of certainty regarding the scope and timeline for project reviews, including any related judicial review.
    • Efficiency: Interagency coordination must be improved to optimize public and private resources while driving better environmental and community outcomes.
    • Transparency: Project sponsors and the public must have visibility into the project permitting milestones and schedule through an easily accessible public means.
    • Stakeholder Input: All relevant stakeholders must be adequately informed and have the opportunity to provide input within a reasonable and consistent timeframe.
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