Testimony of Karen Harbert before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee on energy accountability and reform legislation.

June 9, 2015

Today’s hearing is focused on “Energy Accountability and Reform Legislation,” covering some 42 individual bills.  In drafting energy legislation, we think it important to establish a framework for determining whether legislation is necessary, which agencies it should be directed towards, and how best to effect the desired change.  Within the context of accountability and reform, we believe there is a great need for action.  There have been, and continue to be, dramatic changes in our energy economy and existing law, sometimes decades old, is hampering our markets from being able to adapt to the changes.  Additionally, as these changes have occurred, there has been more tension on the role of federal versus state regulatory primacy that was largely a dormant issue in the past.  And as the United States Code and Code of Federal Regulations grow every day, it is important to continually make changes to streamline their governance and to minimize their impacts on Americans while still ensuring their efficacy.  Finally, it remains crucial that the federal government is a judicious and competent steward of the tax revenue it collects and spends.  It is through this lens that the Institute reviewed today’s docket of bills and informed our positions.  


Click here to read the full testimony.