The manufacturing, use, and participation in the growing supply chain for chemical solutions is helping to address the most significant challenges facing our nation—from aerospace and public safety, to healthcare, agriculture, transportation, and clean water.
Dear Assistant Administrator Freedhoff: The undersigned organizations appreciate the opportunity to provide input on EPA’s proposed rulemaking regarding Toxic Substances Control Act Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements for Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS). EPA’s proposal does
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a broad class of thousands of different chemicals receiving increased public attention amid federal and state efforts to address emerging issues with varying levels of concern. This diverse family of important chemical substances is used throughout a
Dear Administrator Regan: Congratulations on your recent confirmation as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. The undersigned organizations are focused on building a healthy, inclusive future that Americans deserve. To accomplish this goal, we need regulations in place that protect
Dear Dr. Freedhoff: We write today to seek an extension of the compliance timeframe for articles and products subject to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Final Rule for Phenol, Isopropylated Phosphate, also known as PIP (3:1). This rule, published on January 6, 2021, prohibits the
Dear Ms. Mooney: The U.S. economy is powered by a diverse energy and manufacturing portfolio, unmatched by any other nation in the world. Through innovation, responsible development and use of all energy sources, American industry has established a strong record in environmental protection and fully
Dear Mr. Bushman: The undersigned Associations submit these comments to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA” or “Agency”) as it considers proposing a future rule to add certain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (“PFAS”) to the Toxics Release Inventory (“TRI”).1 Many of our members
Dear Chairman Barrasso and Ranking Member Carper: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce appreciates the Committee holding the hearing, “Examining Legislation to Address the Risks Associated with Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS).” The Chamber is committed to proactively working with legislators