• Coalition Letter Requesting Increased RD&D Funding for DOE in FY22 Appropriations

May 4, 2021

Dear Speaker Pelosi, House Minority Leader McCarthy, Senate Majority Leader Schumer, Senate Minority Leader McConnell, Chairwoman DeLauro, Ranking Member Granger, Chairman Leahy, and Vice Chairman Shelby:

America’s leadership in energy innovation has advanced a number of national priorities over the past several decades. Federal investments have created new industries and countless jobs, reduced emissions, increased energy security, and enhanced the nation’s global influence. While this investment has yielded impressive returns, scaling up breakthrough clean energy technology is no small feat. In order to keep our domestic innovators, businesses, and workforce competitive in global energy markets and to stay on track toward our climate goals, Congress will need to immediately make robust, goal-oriented federal investments in priority energy innovation efforts. Accordingly, we ask that you provide an FY22 appropriations allocation to the Energy and Water Development bill that enables a multi-billion dollar increase for vital research, development, demonstration, and commercial deployment activities across all Science and Energy program areas of the Department of Energy (DOE).